How Can I Achieve Skinny To Muscular Transformation

There are many reasons why you are skinny. One of the important reasons is your genetics, which you have got from your parents. Moreover, your metabolism can also control your size. If you have a fast metabolism your body burns calories fast and it will be difficult for you to gain weight or build muscle. You should consider this while choosing any plan or programs like skinny to muscular transformation routine.

There are lots and lots of workout plans and training guides available. But not every plan is successful in providing the desired result. But to increase weight, go from skinny to muscular transformation, you should follow a general set of rules.

Although the information provided here is not as mystical as you may like, the rules which I give here are only basic as far as skinny to muscular transformation plan is concerned. This does not answer all the questions related to the bulking program for skinny guys. But the information given here are the defensive elements in any successful skinny-to-muscle transformation routine.

You can integrate these Rules into your current workout which you follow to get the desired results.

1. You have to get the right knowledge that pertains to your SPECIFIC condition and goals

Most people have the problem of not getting the correct information required to reach their goals. Yes, they are working hard, but their efforts and hard work are wasted by following incorrect training methods and dieting plans. Basically, people with weight gain problems are taking advice from people who never had any weight gaining issues in their life. Want to know how to go from skinny to muscular transformation? Then find someone who has walked in your shoes. Someone who has been where you are.

2. Plan specific objectives and create an effective action plan.

If you want to go for a vacation, will you be planning before the trip, or just drive your car and go to a random place?

No, you will be planning it days before the vacation in order to reach the desired place fast and secure.

Your goal is the destination, and your map is the route to reach the destination. If you don’t have a goal and a plan to reach it, you will lose focus and easily get sidetracked. This happens more often than you know.

There are a lot of people who have no plan or goal and do whatever they like in the gym and eat what they like. They wonder why they have no improvement. Because they lack focus.

Having a specific skinny-to-muscle transformation plan will allow you to take necessary action daily, and this action will help you to be focused in reaching your destination soon. No need to think about it or speculate about anything or even debate with anyone. You just have to do it.

A specific plan provides a necessary daily structure that not only keeps you on the road moving forward, but also helps to develop good eating and training habits that will benefit you long after you have reached your destination.

3.Be sure of yourself and certainty in what you do

The world in which we live today is cruel. People are jealous and hate each other. It will only be half the battle if you just started your skinny-to-muscular transformation or any other workout program to improve your fitness level.

The other half of the battle will be to stay focused and motivated till you reach your goal despite getting negative comments from others. Do not allow negative words in; they will destroy your confidence.

You may be insulted by your friends, co-workers, and acquaintances at the gym. People hate change. They feel insecure. They see sudden improvements to your body and they know that you’re nearing your goal and they don’t want you to reach your goal; they want to be always superior to you.

If you have started your journey, just believe in what you do. Stay focused and avoid overly critical or negative people. If you want to achieve your goal, keep your business to yourself, when I first started my workout program, I did not tell anyone about it because people used to tell me” you can’t achieve it”, “that is impossible”, ‘you are wasting your time and money”. The irony is those people are now asking me for advice to improve their physique.

It’s your life. It’s your body. It’s your dream. Don’t allow your success or failure to rest in the hands of others.

4. Do not pay attention to any absurd piece of advice given to you in the gym or through massage.

One of my clients told me that a friend of his in the gym said that he was working out all wrong and wants to change his way of working out in the gym. He wants to workout for all 6 days and do some high reps, 15-20 reps per set.

But the person who gave the advice was very confident in his suggestion and he had a very good physique as well, which typically elevates him to the elusive “listen to me if you want to look like me” level in the gym.

My client was not the same size as him; he was bigger. Even though my client had the knowledge that this advice wouldn’t work, his “unrealistic dreamer” mind took this information very seriously. So, my client followed that absurd piece of advice and changed the workout plan without informing the in-charge. My client was making good progress in his current program, yet he allowed this one person’s comment to overshadow that progress and convince him that his program was inadequate. This mistake cost him a lot.

Don’t take the advice of people just because they have a good physique. Just because the guy has a good physique doesn’t mean he is spewing pertinent advice for you. Some huge guys known to me have little knowledge in training and dieting. They can do what they like and still gain muscle; unfortunately, we are not of that kind, so we approach things in a more intelligent way.

5.Don’t Over Train

This is the difficult part to understand for many people because it involves less action instead of more.

If we are interested in starting a new program like a bulking program for skinny guys, we are eager for training, training, and more training. Thinking that if you train more, you will build more muscles. Unfortunately, this is not the truth.

Training more will not result in more muscle growth. Understand that the purpose of weight training is to stimulate muscle growth. It takes very little time. Once that has been done, the muscle needs to be repaired, and new muscle needs to be built. These things happen when you are at rest. But if you are always active and never give your body any time to rest, how will it build muscle? Think about it.

Now you have difficulty in muscle gaining and the importance of rest increases. People who are skinny and have difficulty gaining weight require less training and more rest.

6.Do compound exercises

Compound exercises, also called multi-joint exercises, tend to stimulate the most amount of muscle fiber, whereas isolation exercises work only on individual muscles. Multi-joint exercises work on many different muscle groups at the same time.

For those who want to gain weight, multi-jointed workouts help by putting the body under the most amount of stress. This stress is used to shock the nervous system, thereby causing it to produce more release of muscle-building hormones. As a result, muscle gain increases all over the body.

You can still do some isolation workouts; however, they should not be the focus of your workouts and should only come after your multi-jointed lifting is complete.

7.Preferably using free weights

Using free weights is better than machines for many reasons, most importantly because they allow the stimulation of certain supporting muscle groups during training. By stimulating stabilizer and synergistic muscles, you will become stronger and build muscle faster and more effectively.

Yes, some people build large amounts of muscle using machines, but why make it more difficult if you already have a hard time gaining weight?

8.Use heavyweights in your skinny to muscular transformation routine

Using relatively heavy weights in your exercise routine builds muscle mass. The muscle fiber (called Type IIB), which is responsible for building muscle size growth, is stimulated by heavy weights. If you are reaching muscle failure by doing only 4 to 8 reps, it is the appropriate heavy weight that you should use.

Some Type IIB muscle fiber can also be stimulated by using light weight and doing more reps. But again, why make it more difficult if you have a difficult time gaining weight? You need to try and stimulate as much as you can with the use of heavy weights.

9.Concentrate more on the eccentric portion of the exercise.

Lifting a weight can be divided into three distinct points: the positive, the midpoint, and the negative. The initial move or the push when starting the rep is called the concentric or “positive” motion. The midpoint is the short pause before reversing and returning to the starting point. The eccentric, or “negative” portion, is characterized by your resistance against the natural pull of the weight.

For example, when doing push-ups, the positive motion is the actual pushing up motion. Once you have pushed all the way up, you hit the midpoint. The negative motion begins when you start to lower yourself back down. Most would simply lower themselves as fast as they pushed up, but I recommend extending and slowing down this portion. Slowing down the eccentric part of the lift will help to stimulate more muscle growth. It activates more of the Type IIB fibers mentioned about in Rule 7.

10.Do short but intense workouts.

You should go into the gym, stimulate the muscle, and then get out as quickly as possible. This should be your goal. There is no need to do large amounts of exercises per body part, trying to target every muscle and hitting every “angle”. This type of workout is suitable only for advanced bodybuilders with a developed physique. They do these types of exercises to improve weak areas.

If you don’t have a pec, don’t concern yourself with trying to target inner, outer, upper, lower, or whatever. Just work your chest out. You should do no more than 2-3 exercises per body part. That’s it. Doing more than that won’t build more muscle, faster. In fact, it could possibly lead to muscle loss. Long training sessions can cause catabolic hormone levels to rise dramatically. Catabolic hormones are responsible for breaking down muscle tissue, resulting in muscle loss. At the same time, long training sessions suppress the hormones that build muscle.

If you don’t want to lose muscle during your workouts, I suggest limiting your sessions to no more than 60-75 minutes maximum. Less if you can.

11.Training like aerobic activity should be limited

When I do a weight-gaining routine, I will not engage in any aerobic activity because my body needs rest or non-activity time to recover and build muscle. Overdoing aerobic activity hurts your progress in gaining weight, and if you really want to do aerobic activity, then limit it.

If you want to engage in aerobic activity for fat loss while following a high-calorie diet for skinny to muscular transformation, it is the wrong approach, and I don’t recommend it because it won’t be effective on a high-calorie mass diet. To lose fat, you need to be eating fewer calories.

12.Don’t program hop

What normally happens is. You’ve just read about a new exercise or workout that is supposed to pack on the mass. Now, even though you had already started another training program a few weeks ago, you are tired of it and really want to start this routine instead because it sounds better.

I call these people, “program hoppers”. They are very enthusiastic when starting a new program, but they never follow it long enough to see any results. They are easily distracted and love to drop whatever they may be doing to follow the latest “hot” workout or exercise.

My advice is don’t do it. This is a bad habit that never leads to a positive outcome. Understand that it takes time for any program to work. To be successful, you must follow your program consistently. Yes, there are many different training methods and interesting routines out there, but you can’t do them all at the same time and jumping around won’t allow enough time for any of them to be effective for you. Pick one that is focused on your current goal and stick with it. There will be plenty of time to try the others later, but NOT NOW.